LEED Certification

We would like to join you as part of your LEED team. With our expertise in building automation, energy management, and equipment maintenance, we will work together with your engineers to create a LEED certified green building.

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) is an internationally recognized green building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

LEED Certified Green Buildings

LEED Certification is also available for existing buildings, and can often be obtained with only a few modifications to the building and equipment. The biggest factor in obtaining and maintaining this certification is building energy management systems that control energy usage and environmental impact. Cii Service would like to join you as part of your LEED team, working together with your engineers to create a LEED certified green building. For more information on LEED and energy saving ideas for your building, please contact Cii Service.

We have experts available to assist you in building controls, energy conservation and equipment maintenance. Further information on LEED certification is also available from usgbc.org.

Start with some basic steps

There are some basic steps that apply to saving energy, whether you are going for LEED Certification or just trying to save some money. Cii Service is able to help you with all these steps.

  1. Measure, compare & survey. Establish a base point, measuring the current energy usage. Cii Service will perform an energy audit to measure your building in comparison to other buildings and original design.
  2. Create a plan. Let Cii Service assist you creating an energy efficient master plan.
  3. Implement the plan. Cii Service will work with you to carry out all the needed modifications.
  4. Verify & monitor. Verify reduced energy usage to see the expected results. Monitor energy usage on a continual basis to ensure building performance remains at its peak.


With our corporate office located in Richmond, Virginia, Cii Service has a
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